Does RevitalVision involve surgery or medications?

No, RevitalVision does not require any surgery or prescriptive medication.

Will the cataract surgery recovery program work for me?

If you want optimal results after cataract surgery or have difficulty adjusting post-surgery, RevitalVision can help you improve your vision....

How long does it take for vision to stabilize after cataract surgery

Most people will notice an improvement in vision a few days after the surgery. Some patients find it difficult to...

Is it possible to improve blurry vision after cataract surgery?

Some people experience blurry vision after cataract surgery. In most cases, vision will improve after a few days. Some people...

What are the complications of cataract surgery?

Some possible complications of cataract surgery include blurred vision, dry eyes, glares, and halos.  The majority of these side effects...

Is it normal to have blurry vision after cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is generally performed to improve vision by removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial intraocular...

What are the side effects of cataract surgery?

The cataract surgery is a straightforward procedure with a low occurrence of complications. After the surgery, patients may experience an...

How long does it take to recover from cataract surgery?

Following cataract surgery, most patients can expect their vision to improve within a few days, although complete adaptation to the...

What does Cataract surgery aftercare include?

Cataract surgery typically lasts around 10 minutes, and after the procedure, it is essential to have someone drive you home....

What should I expect after cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is one of the safest procedures available, with a high rate of success. Within days of the cataract...

Will I be light sensitive after cataract surgery?

Experiencing light sensitivity after cataract surgery is quite common. When a cataract develops, individuals often require more light for everyday...

Why is my vision still blurry after cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is considered one of the safest procedures available, boasting a high success rate. While complications are rare, they...

Blurred vision in the morning after cataract surgery

Is blurred vision in the morning after cataract surgery normal? Many patients experience blurred vision in the morning after cataract...

Burning eyes after cataract surgery

Why do I feel burning eyes after cataract surgery? Dry eye symptoms are common over the age of 55. With...

Problems after cataract surgery blurred vision

What causes problems after cataract surgery blurred vision? 3 million Americans undergo cataract surgery every year, with a successful rate...

Cataract post op

What is cataract post op care? After the surgery you will be seated in a recovery area where you will...

Cataract surgery side effects blurred vision

How to prevent cataract surgery side effects blurred vision Cataract is a common condition among patients over the age of...

Difficulty adjusting after cataract surgery

Why do I have difficulty adjusting after cataract surgery? Most people adjust very easily to vision post cataract surgery, though...

blurred vision 2 years after cataract surgery

Why should I experience blurred vision 2 years after cataract surgery? Going through YAG laser surgery after cataract surgery is...

Blurred vision following cataract surgery

Blurred vision following cataract surgery Cataract is a simple procedure and one of the most common surgeries around the world....

How long are eyes gritty after cataract surgery

How long are eyes gritty after cataract surgery ? For a few days, post cataract surgery, your eyes may be...

Halos around lights after cataract surgery

Halos around lights after cataract surgery Cataract surgery is a procedure in which the cloudy lens is switched with an...

How long does it take to heal from cataract surgery

How long does it take to heal from cataract surgery   ? Cataract may affect driving performance since vision is blurry...

Mắt lười / Nhược thị

What are the age limits for the program?

The program is designed for ages 9 and older with no upper age limit.  

Does RevitalVision involve surgery or medications?

No, RevitalVision does not require any surgery or prescriptive medication.

I have strabismus, will the program straighten my eye?

RevitalVision improves brain visual processing and has no effect on the eye itself. If your eye deviation is higher than...

How much will my vision improve?

On average, there is a 2.5-line improvement on the eye chart and a 100% improvement in contrast sensitivity. Thus, you...

Can I fix my lazy eye?

The ability to correct a lazy eye, also known as amblyopia, depends on various factors, including the individual's age, the...

What are lazy eye exercises for adults? 

What are lazy eye exercises for adults?   Lazy eye (Amblyopia) is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Amblyopia affects at least 2%...

Can Adult Amblyopia be Treated?

Can Adult Amblyopia be Treated? 2% to 4 % of the population is estimated to be affected by Amblyopia. Amblyopia...

What is Vision Therapy For Lazy Eye?

  Vision therapy for lazy eye is a treatment consisting of different eye exercises which are based on a patient's...

How to get rid of a lazy eye

How to get rid of a lazy eye ? The most common childhood disorder of vision is Lazy Eye. It...

How effective is the Eye Patch For Lazy Eye Adults?

In adults with lazy eye (amblyopia), using an eye patch as a treatment method can be less effective compared to...

What is Lazy Eye in Adults?

Lazy eye in adults is a condition that actually occurred in childhood as a result of visual deprivation to one...

Is Lazy eyes treatment for adults affective?

Is Lazy eyes treatment for adults affective? Amblyopia is a neurodevelopmental disorder of the visual system which develops during childhood. Amblyopia affects the...

Amblyopia In Adults

Amblyopia In Adults Amblyopia is the most common form of impairment of vision affecting one eye, with a prevalence of...

Đọc không đeo kính

Will the presbyopia treatment work for me?

If your feel like you need or have recently started using reading glasses or bifocals, RevitalVision is for you.


Why do you limit the program to -1.5 diopter and/or -0.75 astigmatism?

RevitalVision will improve vision even at higher refractive error, but the average improvement of 2.5 VA lines will not be...

Sau khi phẫu thuật Lasik
Điều trị bệnh Stargardt

What is Stargardt disease?

What is Stargardt disease? Stargardt disease, is an inherited disease and is a form of macular degeneration which causes central...

Stargardt disease treatment

Stargardt disease treatment There is no scientifically proven Stargardt disease treatment . Stargardt is a progressive condition, in which the...

Who is at risk for Stargardt eye disease?

Who is at risk for Stargardt eye disease? [21] FAQ Stargardt eye disease is an inherited, autosomal recessive disorder. A...


What is Congenital Nystagmus?

What is Congenital Nystagmus? Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is a condition a child is born with in which the eyes make...

Can nystagmus go away?

Can nystagmus go away?  Nystagmus, also known as the “dancing eye syndrome,” is characterized by unusual eye movements. Can nystagmus...

How to treat Nystagmus?

How to treat Nystagmus? When treating Nystagmus, it is important to emphasize that the condition cannot be fully corrected by...

Is Nystagmus and driving allowed?

Is Nystagmus and driving allowed? When assessing Nystagmus and driving, nystagmus itself is not a criterion as long as the...